02 03 Caity Says: Daydreaming 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33


With exams looming, major assignments to be handed up and generally a nonstop snowball of things to do, the only thing I want is go get away. My friends and I are planning a trip to Thailand at the end of the year, and I am insanely excited. However, we had a long time to wait, so to curb my insane boredom with all things uni, I've been going what I do best - looking on my favourite blogs. 

Throughout my travels - through blogs - I have cam across some photos that made me want to get away more than ever. Have a look and you'll want to get away too - Enjoy :)

All photos from hardtoexplain - there are some amazing photos - take a look!

- Caity x

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