02 03 Caity Says: The Golden Girl 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

The Golden Girl


Whitney Port – the girl who translated her own unique style from ‘The Hills’ of California to ‘The City’ of New York.

 images via starstyleinc

Not only does Ms Whitney Port has impeccable taste – she is the first ever-international designer and celebrity to launch their self-titled collections through Australian Fashion Week.

She will reveal her eclectic Spring/Summer 12/13 range in an installation format within the new MBFWA venue space, The Box on Monday 30th April at 7pm.

Influenced by her Los Angeles upbringing and her time spent in New York City, the collection combines a relaxed Californian style, with the perfect balance of edginess straight off the streets of Manhattan.

Her designs are quirky, cute and extremely stylish – and I cannot wait to see what she does next!

- Caity x

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