02 03 Caity Says: THE ART OF LAYERING FOR WINTER 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33



It's damn cold in Australia at the moment.. but cold doesn't even seem to cut it does it! We all know that the secret to staying warm is layering, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind to avoid the Michelin Man effect and losing the ability to move your arms. 

images via wilddarts

Wearing Casey Tanswell Skinny Slouch Leather Pant,  Boohoo Sophia Denim Shirt, Boohoo Emma Sleeveless Belted Coatigan, Boohoo Louis Blouse, Country Road coat and Tony Bianco Mules

I've found that the key to winter layering is embracing sleeveless pieces, this may seem like a strange idea when its freezing outside but bear with me. In the above images I am wearing a sleeveless contagion from Boohoo which helped to keep my body super warm, sleeveless jackets are great for layering because they give you extra inclination while allowing you to still move your arms when you're adding a coat or jacket on top.

Sleeveless also comes in handy when you're struggling with what to wear (because lets be honest there are only so many times that you can wear the same winter knit) consider popping a turtle neck or lightweight knit under your favourite summer top.

Additional tips for the layering:

I hope some of these tips help you to stay warm during this seamlessly never ending arctic vortex!

- Caity x 

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