02 03 Caity Says: TRENDS I LOVE THAT DON'T LOVE ME BACK: THIGH HIGH BOOTS 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33



Last week I received an email blast from one of my favourite shoe brands, Tony Bianco, featuring the most glorious piece of footwear, which I immediately sent a snapchat of to everyone (as you do). But after a couple of minutes of lusting after these boots, a little thought ran through my head, the same way it always does whenever I see something I love.. can I even pull these off? And of course the answer was no. That's right, the thigh high boot is one of those trends I love that just don't love me back *sadface*
Yes, these are the boots I'm referring to.. so sexy am I right?

Ah yes the thigh high boot, an Autumn / Winter staple for models, actresses and all round hot people like Olivia Palermo, but for some of us mortals this just isn't going to happen, I should know. There are a few reasons why this trend will never love me back but the two big ones are that at 5'3" I have SUPER short legs so they're most likely going to go up to my crotch, but that would be if they could even get over my extremely muscley calves to make it to my thighs, which they never do.

So if you're lucky enough to have supermodel legs, then girl you've got to buy those boots.. if not for yourself then for all the short legged, big calf muscle girls out there!

If you're not blessed with supermodel legs, don't you worry, I've rounded up some AMAZING A/W boot options for you that you can rock this season! This is where I'm trying something a little different and introducing exclusive content just for Caity Says subscribers, my favourite A/W picks will only be available in the next email blast to my subscribers.. so if you have't subscribed to my newsletter now is the time ;) http://bit.ly/213mxus
- Caity x

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