Valentine's Day is all about celebrating love and relationships, and this is why its the perfect time to focus on the most important relationship you will ever have, the one you have with yourself. I know that life is crazy busy for us all, but are you making sure that you spend the time to look after yourself? To spend some quality time just for you? I didn't think so, but don't worry I'm right there with you. You don't have to spend loads of money or book yourself into an expensive spa treatment, there are a few little things that we all should be doing more of to relax.
Okay I know this one sounds a little easy, but don't you feel instantly better whenever there's a candle burning? Like all women, I love candles and just getting a whiff of my favourite scent instantly makes me feel better.
Finish That Book
I have about 4 half read books on my bedside table, most of these books I have been so excited to read but started on holidays and when I got back to reality just "didn't have the time".. sound familiar? Next time you think about sitting in front of the TV or curling up in front of your laptop watching Netflix, pick up your book instead, you'll be glad you did.
At Home Spa
While you're taking my advice and devouring your favourite book, pop on a face mask, take that time out to really treat yourself, I mean, isn't multitasking what us women are good at? And while your at it, why not fix yourself a drink? A lovely relaxing herbal tea or even a glass of vino will do the trick ;)
Buy Something That's Just For You
I know this one might sound a bit cheesy and totally Valentine's Day appropriate, but take some advice from our French counterparts.. buying yourself some gorgeous lingerie makes you feel amazing. It's not something you need to buy to impress or seduce anyone, but when you're actually wearing a special matching set (which lets face is it pretty rare) it makes you feel super confident, like you have a secret weapon that no one else knows about.

I will definitely be taking my own advice here and I hope you all do as well, and if you have a way that you like to treat yourself and relax, comment below and let me know!
Always remember, the most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself, happy Valentine's Day my loves!
- Caity x